多姆石化是美国多姆石油国际集团公司授权的中国大陆地区一合法生产企业。多姆公司创建于1921年的多姆石油财务公司。它是以严格标准着称****的国际石油公司,总部设在美国德克萨斯州休斯敦,公司主要业务是油气勘探开发、炼制、以及石油化工产品的生产、销售和运输贸易。1968年后在集团公司不断的整合重组下,公司成为以石油为主要业务的国际石油公司。每年在110多个地区销售大约2300万吨石油产品。在**大项目的融资、管理和经营方面拥有丰富的经验。 多姆集团1997年运营销售额(税后)560亿美元,总资产达840亿美元,是**主要石油公司之一,公司把健康、安全、环保的经营宗旨放在**。公司重视每位员工的培训发展,在近**的经营发展之中公司**雇员已约3**。在中国我们已成为中国经济的一分子,我们所做的一切都志在实现安全、环保的绿色能源, 即与各方合作寻求可持续发展的能源解决方案。在21世纪乃至更远的将来,为社会提供更加绿色、环保的石化产品以及个性化的服务,改善人们的生活质量。
Dome Description:
Dome Petroleum International Group, called Dome, is created in the 1921 Dome Petroleum Finance Company. It is based on strict standards of known world-renowned international oil companies based in the United States Houston, Texas, company business is oil and gas exploration and development, refining, and petrochemical products production, sale and transportation of trade. After the 1968 reorganization of the Group under the continued integration of the company into the oil as the main business of international oil companies. More than 110 countries each year sells about 23 million tons of oil products. In the global project finance, management and operations with extensive experience. Dome Group's 1997 operating revenue (after tax) 560 million, total assets of 84 billion U.S. dollars, is one of the world's major oil companies, the company put health, safety, environmental protection and management purposes the first place. Focus on staff training and development, in recent years among the business employs approximately 3 million people worldwide. We have become part of the Chinese economy, we do all aim at achieving green, energy security, environmental protection, that is cooperation with all parties to find sustainable energy solutions. In the 21st century and beyond in the future, to provide more green, environmentally friendly petroleum products and personalized services, to improve the quality of life.
The United States has about 40,000 individual shareholders. 2007 sales: 1,539 billion. More than 70 countries in the exploration and production business.
Yield: 122 million barrels of oil equivalent / day
Proved reserves: 95 billion barrels of oil equivalent (as of 3 December 2008)
Proven and probable reserves: 170 billion barrels of oil equivalent
Shareholder base:
North America accounted for shareholders (56%), from Germany (13%), Denmark, France and UK investors held shares, Norway, the Netherlands and France, other shareholders have been remarkable. In other regions have a strong shareholder base (21%).
Institutional shareholders over (78%), staff (6%) and other individual shareholders (16%).
Dome (dome.) is a 1921 oil was founded in the United States finance company, constantly developing company has confirmed to petrochemical main business of Corporate Strategy Bing worked in New York, Tokyo, London and Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listing Proved reserves: 95 billion barrels of oil equivalent (as of 3 December 2008)
Proven and probable reserves: 170 billion barrels of oil equivalent
Shareholder base:
North America accounted for shareholders (56%), from Germany (13%), Denmark, France and UK investors held shares, Norway, the Netherlands and France, other shareholders have been remarkable. In other regions have a strong shareholder base (21%).
Institutional shareholders over (78%), staff (6%) and other individual shareholders (16%).
Dome (dome.) is a
主要市场 |
汽车保养品 汽车润滑油 |
经营范围 |
公司主要经营车用润滑油,润滑油代理,润滑油厂家,润滑油批发,润滑油*,润滑油定制, 全合成机油 柴机油 汽机油 抗磨液压油 齿轮油 液力传动油 防冻液 汽机油 燃气发动机油 工业润滑油 车用润滑油 发动机油 |